I have been asked by several people
how I ended up in the Primitive Baptist church.
The answer is simple, yet to those who are unfamiliar with the doctrine
they preach it takes some explaining. I
can say that the journey has not come without some costs. Fellowships I treasured are not what they
used to be, although I pray earnestly that they be restored. The Lord is graciously answering that prayer
by and by. I have seen some people come
to embrace what the Primitive Baptists teach that I never would have thought
would believe it. I guess I include
myself in that statement. Most of what
people ‘think’ Primitive Baptist believe, is in fact, not what they
believe. I have heard some rather bizarre
things that people outside the Primitive Baptist adamantly and assuredly
proclaim we believe. I’ve heard all the
snake handling jokes and the outhouse jokes.
I can assure you we only handle snakes after they’ve met our garden hoe
or shotgun. And we actually have a very
nice new sanctuary…air conditioning and indoor plumbing included. We don’t believe we are the only ones going
to Heaven. We actually believe there
will be people out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation…and
denomination! We believe there will be
people there that lived their life never believing what we believe. We do believe in predestination and election,
but most likely we don’t believe them the way people think we believe them. We don’t just preach about predestination
either. We realize 98% of the bible is
about how to live and 2% is about how we were saved. We do keep that in mind. We don’t walk around with our noses in the air
wearing shirts that say ‘chosen’ on them.
There is more humility in the primitive baptist people I know than any
group of people I have ever met. I have
found the Primitive Baptists are too often the victims of misunderstandings and
gossip. Tragically, many will never
darken the door of a Primitive Baptist church simply because what someone, who
actually knew very little about us, told them.
The only thing I know to tell people that erroneously misjudge who we
are and what we believe is…come and see.
What you will find is love and humility.
You will find the scriptures taught and explained in a way that you most
likely never have. At least that’s how
the churches I’ve been to are. I spent
the first thirty years of my life outside the Primitive Baptist Church. So how did I get there?
Where do I begin? I guess at the beginning…I remember being in
a church service and hearing a preacher tell a story about the time his mother
died. It was a sad story, very sad. I was about 6 years old…and I loved my
momma! I remember crying as he told his
story, not really understanding why I was crying. Sometime before this I had asked someone how
I would know when it was time for me to be ‘saved’. My older brother had already accepted Jesus
and been baptized. So, how would I know
when it was time for me? I’m sure they
told me many things but all I remember is them telling me that I would just
“feel” it and probably would be crying.
Well after the preacher’s ‘momma’ story, I was sure doing some crying. I
thought to myself, “This is it!” When
the preacher asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus I shot out of that pew like
a cannon!
Fast forward to about age 12. I was in my room listening to some gospel
song about Jesus, his suffering, his death, his resurrection, and hell. I became emotional, thinking about what Jesus
did on that cross. I thought of my sins,
knowing that I deserved every degree that hell had to give. My mind went back to that time when I was
6. I wondered, “Did my decision that
night come from a desire to surrender my life to the Lord, or was it based more
on emotion that came from thinking about my momma dying?” It was the beginning of many years of
questioning and scrutinizing my salvation.
So that night I decided I needed to ask Jesus into my heart again, but
this time I would really mean it. Surely
I would find some relief in that.
Shortly after that, questions starting sneaking back into my mind. I thought, “I know this last prayer wasn’t
based on my emotions about momma…but, how would I ever know if I really meant
that sinner’s prayer that I was told was the gateway to my salvation?” What if a part of me was just seeking
salvation because I was afraid of Hell?
What if my decision had more to do with self-preservation than
self-denial? These questions would haunt
me for many years.
Fast forward to age 27. I was still praying the sinner’s prayer every
now and then…just to be sure…just in case I didn’t really mean it the last
time…hoping this next time would leave no doubt in my mind. But each time I had the same result. I knew then that no matter how sincere my
prayer was, if I was honest with myself, I could always find a touch of
selfishness in that prayer, just a hint of motivation by fear. My prayer would always be a prompted by a
combination of feeling sorry for my sins, and being terrified of burning in
Hell. I have heard some sermons that
describe Hell so vividly…the unquenchable fire, the torment. Those thoughts were always on my mind when I
prayed that prayer. So the doubt would
always be there, no prayer could ever be 100% sincere. It would never be 100% about complete
surrender and repentance of my sins.
Would a prayer partially motivated by self-preservation be acceptable to
a holy God? How sincere is sincere
enough? Besides that, so much of my life
was a rejection of Jesus Christ, how could one instant of accepting undo all
the past and future rejections? The
confusion was real. I had trouble
finding answers. Everyone I talked to
seemed so mechanical. They would just
smile, tell me it’s normal and not to worry about it. They’d say, “Everybody doubts their salvation
from time to time, it’s just the Devil’s way of confusing you”. I never was offered any scriptures to support
that…it was just sincere advice. I
needed something more than that, something I could sink my teeth into,
something real, and something undeniable from the scriptures. I wasn’t much up for accepting something as
truth just because someone else did.
That undeniable truth wouldn’t come
to me for several more years. So
overtime, my doubts about my own salvation became tolerable by just frequently
praying the ‘sinner’s prayer’. Hoping it
would be ‘good enough’ for God. It was
all I knew to do…when doubt came in, I would just pray it again. While dealing with the confusion of my own
salvation, a new burden came on me. A
burden that revolved around the idea that people all over the world, every day,
every minute, were going to hell. However,
that final eternity was avoidable, it was fixable, there was something that
could be done about it. I became
overwhelmed with the thought of other people suffering for eternity while I
just went through my daily routines.
School, work, play…all the while people were speeding towards hell...at
any moment…anytime…death could come on them and…poof…no more opportunity to
avoid eternal damnation. Wow, what a
burden. People are actually going to
hell! I began to think, “What can I do
about that?” I’ve always heard people
talk about ‘leading someone to the Lord’, but I never had…but shouldn’t I be
trying to…I mean isn’t that a Christian’s responsibility to share the gospel in
hopes that someone will accept it…and really mean it. So I tried to start evangelizing the best I
knew how. I’d take a few minutes every
now and then to stop someone on the street and ask them about their
salvation. I’d talk to telemarketers,
I’ve chased people down in parking lots, I’d go knocking on people’s door, I
even talked to a guy I was in a wreck with while we waited on the police! If someone didn’t respond to the gospel I
presented to them, I’d just repackage it to suit more where they were in life,
in hopes they could relate to it better and be more open to it. That’s the least I could do considering what
was at stake. But realistically, only
about 1% of my week was devoted to presenting the gospel in hopes someone would
accept Jesus. Then the burden got
heavier, I mean really heavy. Almost
drove me insane. I walked around, all
day, thinking…what about that person…or that one…or that one? Some tried to sell me the ‘you don’t have to
worry about everyone, just the ones the Spirit burdens you for’ line. But as was usually the case, no scripture was
given to support that line of thinking.
Besides, I felt burdened about everybody! It fell into the sincere advice category for
me. I would see someone and think ‘they’ve
probably heard the gospel before, but maybe I can present it in such a way that
they really get it.’ Maybe my method can
change their eternity. I was pretty
persuasive…I could do it. Nope. No matter how polished my delivery was some
people were just angered when they heard the gospel. But on the other hand, sometimes I noticed
when I was clumsy and awkward…people listened to me with tears in their eyes. I’ve seen many times people having an obvious
love for the Lord but would be totally convinced their salvation was brought
about by good works. How can someone
truly be saved if they didn’t even understand the truth about ‘how’ to be
saved? What a tragedy! These people would spend their whole lives
loving and serving the Lord only to find out Hell would be their home because
they ‘misunderstood’ the scriptures.
This went on for about 3 years or
so. I remember sitting at the circus one
day with my family. I was in a huge
auditorium. Thousands of people. In the midst of the ‘greatest show on earth’,
all I could think about was eternity. What
about the guy that took our tickets, the person that sold us the snacks, the
person in front of me, the trapeze artist, and the lion tamer…where will they
spend eternity? How can I sit here
laughing and enjoying myself when so many people around me are possibly going
to hell? This was my breaking
point. Is this really how a child of God
should feel about evangelism? How could
I eat, sleep, spend time with my family, doing anything fun….when people were
going to hell! This is where I knew
something wasn’t right. It was a burden
I couldn’t bear.
It was time for me to seek the
truth. No more taking people’s word for
it, no more giving creditability to a preacher just because he had more degrees
than a brain surgeon. I had to know for
myself. It was time for me to seek the
scriptures. It was time for me to search
out the truth of the salvation I had heard offered and offered so many times
I began the journey of untangling my mind by
trying to understand the process of the salvation I knew and had always been
taught. I wondered, if it is like I’ve
heard it before…that you have to repent, believe, confess and accept Jesus in
order to be forgiven…at what point do I actually become forgiven? At what point does Hell cease to be my home
and Heaven become my new one? Is it when I say ‘Dear Lord’, or ‘amen’, or
sometime during the prayer? Was it
instantaneous in the moment I mentally committed to him? I remember as I struggled with this thought…I
would see someone come down front on Sunday to accept Jesus. I studied these people, I watched them
closely. The preacher would pray with
them, he was asking them to say the same prayer I had said so many times
before. Then he would present them to
the church. The belief was they stepped
out of the pew a ruined condemned sinner, but right before our very eyes were
changed. Sins put away, born again, a
new creature…right before our very eyes.
Problem was…nobody really seemed to care. People were packing up their purses, looking
at the bulletin, leaving to go the bathroom, chatting with their
friend...Hello! This person just had their sins forgiven and was born again
right here! Pay attention! Rejoice!
Truth is, I wasn’t all that moved by it either. It just didn’t seem right, or real, something
was amiss.
I remember a preacher saying one
time that if you got hit by a log truck, every aspect of your life would be
different. He then pointed out that
Jesus was so much bigger than a log truck and if you truly had an encounter
with him every aspect of your life would be different! What a great tactic to make people ask their
self if they really, really, really meant that prayer! It was the last thing I needed to hear. I didn’t need any encouragement to analyze my
‘sinner’s prayer’. I sure didn’t feel
like I had that kind of encounter with Jesus.
Not when I was 6, 12, or 27. I
really didn’t feel any different after I asked the Lord to save me than I did
before I asked. I loved him and wanted
to serve him just as much before the prayer as after. I didn’t ‘feel’ anymore forgiven afterwards
either. I pretty much felt the same
after as I did before. The people that
went down to the front of the church to accept Jesus didn’t seem to feel all
that different either. I loved the
Lord. As long as I could remember I
loved Him and wanted to do right. I
never had a log truck moment. When I
first heard about Jesus and what he did on the cross…I never doubted it. I believed it was true the first time I heard
it. I believed the Bible was God’s
word. I wanted to follow it, always
I was discussing this with a friend
one day and he asked me what I thought a person needed to do to be saved. I said have faith and…he interrupted me. He asked “where did that faith come from?” I just looked at him sort of confused. He said, “God gave it to you”. We didn’t discuss it much more, but his words
stuck with me. This was the first time I
ever even slightly considered that eternal salvation is brought about solely by
the work of the Lord. That maybe, all
the things that I believed were the causes of the new birth were in fact
actually the effects of it. It was the
first time I even considered that I might not have anything to do with my being
born again. But that was strange to
me…it was something I would have to look at closely. A lot of questions flooded my mind. But I was at my wits end…I was ready to
consider anything as long as it was scriptural.
This became my motto…”The scriptures are sufficient”. If the bible said it, I would believe it. Even if it cost me the fellowship of the
people I loved and respected. I tried to
erase everything I had ever been taught, I tried to erase every preconceived
notion I had about who God was, the salvation of man, the structure of the
church, etc. I started over.
My first step was to try and prove by
the scriptures that what I had always believed was, in fact, true. I couldn’t.
I couldn’t find the sinner’s prayer in the bible. I couldn’t find an example of someone ‘accepting’
Jesus or find a verse that said I had to in order to go to Heaven. Nowhere did I see where Jesus, the apostles,
or any of his disciples preached a sermon about people going to hell because
they neglected to ask Jesus into their heart.
Nowhere did I find them giving the ‘if you died tonight where will you
spend eternity’ speech. Nowhere did I
find them telling someone that because of your decision, you have now become a
child of God…forgiven…and changed your eternity. What I did find were things that seem to go
against what I believed. The preachers
of the bible didn’t answer questions the same as we answer them. They didn’t use ‘hell’ scare tactics. I found where people would ask Jesus what
they had to do to inherit eternal life.
He never told them what people were telling me and what I was telling
other people. He never said ‘accept me’,
or ‘pray this prayer’. I found Jesus
telling people they weren’t his sheep…and never telling them how to become a
sheep. Christ himself, the greatest
preacher ever, never once told someone they were going to hell unless they gave
their heart to him. He told people they
couldn’t understand his speech…not that they wouldn’t…but couldn’t. He told them the reason they couldn’t hear
God’s words was because they were not of God…but he never told them how to be
‘of God’. That would have been a great
‘invitation’ opportunity, wouldn’t it?
Up to this point in my life I
believed that Jesus died on the cross to make mankind savable, and all we had
to do to have our sins put away was to believe, repent, confess, and accept him
as Lord. So in order for my sins to be
put away two things had to happen. Jesus
had to die on the cross, and I had to accept him.
In my pursuit to prove my former
beliefs to be true, I ran across Hebrews 1:3 one day. It says that when he had ‘by himself purged
our sins’…hold on just a second. That
said he purged our sins by himself, didn’t it?
Purged as in…past tense…already done?
Well, that would shed some new light on him saying, “It is finished” as
he died on the cross. But, I thought he
needed my permission. I thought he
needed my acceptance of him in order to purge my sins, and if my time on earth
ran out before I had done so, then hell was going to be my home. It takes his work on the cross and my
acceptance to have my sins forgiven, right?
But there is no denying what ‘by himself’ meant. It meant he didn’t need my help or permission...in
any way. Otherwise it wouldn’t have
been done by himself. Likewise, there
was no way around ‘purged’ being in the past tense. It was completed before I ever even had a
chance to give him permission. I thought
of it this way. If someone came to me
and said, “I cleaned the windows by myself”.
If I believe their statement to be true, there are two things that I
can’t deny. One is that the windows have
already been cleaned. The other is they
didn’t need any help doing it. I
believed the bible to be true, so I couldn’t deny the fact that the purging of
sins had already been done, and that he didn’t need anything on my part to make
that happen. It seemed very clear that
my sins were washed away at Calvary…not when I got ready to let him. They weren’t dangling out in spiritual space
waiting to be zapped away by the blood of Jesus when I got good and ready to
let him. They were already gone, washed,
purged. The idea that my salvation had
nothing to do with my desire or effort was undeniable. Although, I didn’t know or understand much
about that belief, I did realize that I couldn’t be part of the salvation
equation. I decided to keep looking just
in case.
I came across Romans 5:19, “by the
obedience of one shall many be made righteous”.
How many people does it take to make a man righteous? This said one! I thought it was two, Jesus’s work on the
cross and my willingness to accept his offer of salvation. Is it possible that the eternal forgiveness
of my sins was solely the responsibility of ONE! It sure seemed to be adding up that way.
So at this point, I am very open to
studying more on how the eternal salvation of man is the work of God alone. But there are still questions…if that’s
true…either everyone will be in Heaven, or Jesus didn’t die for the sins of
everyone. Hard question right
there! Aren’t we all jumping up and
down, waving our hand at God like a 1st grader with the right
answer…saying here I am, pick me pick me?
Don’t we all want to be forgiven and saved, isn’t that in our nature? Isn’t there something inside everyone that
desires to be a child of God, and we as evangelist just have to find a way to
persuade them to surrender to it? Won’t
most everyone choose God? Maybe some
just haven’t had the gospel presented the right way? Maybe some are just being stubborn and need
more time? Maybe some are so distracted
by their circumstances they just can’t focus on that right now? Maybe some are not intelligent enough to get
it? Maybe some will never hear it? Then I came across several verses that helped
me sort through this. 1 Cor. 1:18, “For
the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness…” Okay, I thought. So if by perishing you mean the people that
are going to hell, then preaching about Jesus and the cross will always be
foolishness to them…wow! This was
totally in opposition to most churches.
Isn’t one of their objectives to get the lost alien sinner in the doors
so they can hear the gospel and be saved?
How in the world do you get someone to ‘accept’ something that the bible
tells us will be foolishness to them?
Haven’t I been walking the streets all this time looking for the
‘perishing’ with the hope that I can show them the cross and have them accept
it? The bible says they won’t! The very tool I was using to save the
perishing is a tool the bible tells me is ineffective on the person that has
never been born again. How did I miss
that all these years! The rest of the
verse was just as interesting to me, “but unto us which ARE saved, it is the
power of God.” I couldn’t deny that part
either. If the gospel is powerful to
someone, they didn’t need to be saved, they ALREADY were saved! I have heard the preacher say so many times,
“If what you’ve heard tonight moves you and you feel the Lord calling you, come
on down and give him your life so you can be saved from your sins”. The bible said if the gospel moved you, you
ARE saved! The only conclusion I could
come to is that the gospel is not effective in bringing about the new birth. It is an absolute necessity for those that
have already been born again though. It
is their guide in this life and it should be the desire of God’s children to
spread this gospel as far as the Spirit burdens them too.
So those that are going to hell
aren’t jumping up and down crying out for God…they think everything the gospel
is about is foolishness. Sin, Jesus,
salvation, forgiveness, etc….all foolish.
I thought back about the times I presented a well-polished gospel
invitation, only to have it utterly rejected and laughed at. I also thought about the times when my goofy
and awkward gospel presentation moved someone to tears. Why would the gospel move one person and not
the other? Was one of them more intelligent,
or have a better mind for long term investments? Was one more distracted by the cares of this
life than the other? I thought about the
times someone spent 30 minutes telling me how much they loved the Lord and
wanted to serve and obey him, but thought their salvation was dependent on
their good works. It seemed that my
experiences were becoming more understandable as I studied the scripture.
I read through Psalms 14 and Psalms
53 and got a great picture of what these people that are perishing in 1 Cor.
1:18 look like. I didn’t see anything in
those verses that even remotely resembled a desire to surrender to God. They
hate him, don’t seek after him, and reject him.
Their works are filthy and abominable…and not one of them does anything
good. That truth brought some light to
the question, “How could a loving God send someone to hell without giving them
a chance for escape?” I began to
understand that if God did in fact offer salvation to man…man in his wickedness
would reject God. It goes against man’s
sin nature to surrender to a holy God and to try and live a life avoiding sin
instead of indulging in it. It would be
like asking a pig to fly. Pigs can’t. Their nature limits and prevents that from
happening. If salvation is an offer to
man, then there will be no man in Heaven.
Where did I fit into this new
understanding? I didn’t feel the way the
wicked are described Psalms 14 and 53.
If God offered me salvation, I would take it, wouldn’t I? I have never felt a desire to reject God as
my maker, or Jesus as my savior. I have often
rejected their teaching by foolish choices I made, but never have I doubted
that God was God. I knew I was a sinner
in desperate need of a savior. I didn’t
feel like I was the person described in Psalms 14 and 53. What made me different? Then I came across Galatians 4:6, “And
because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your
hearts, crying Abba, Father.” I believed
the Spirit of God was dwelling in me.
Why was it there? Was it because
I asked him to give it to me? Was it
because I confessed him as Lord? I
thought, but if I was perishing, according to 1 Corinthians 1:18, I would think
it foolish to ask for his Spirit, right?
1 Corinthians 2:14 told me that “the natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him.” So a person that hasn’t been born again, can’t
receive things that come from the Spirit of God? That’s what it said. 1 John 4:15 told me that “Whosoever shall
confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.” These were lightbulb verses for me…I had it
backwards all this time. I confess Jesus
is Lord because God already does dwell in me not as a means to get God to dwell
in me. The scripture said he sent his
Spirit into our hearts…NOT because I wanted to be his son…but because I was his
son. I also read in Ezekiel 36:26 where
he will give us a new heart and a new spirit.
Wait? I always thought I was
supposed to give him my heart, you know, give your heart to Jesus so you can be
forgiven…the bible says there was a “giving of a heart”, but it wasn’t me
giving him my filthy one…it was him giving me a new one…not because I asked,
but because I was his son…according to Galatians. I realized that I received his Spirit and a
new heart first and as a result of that I had a desire to confess him, follow
him, and serve him. When did I receive
that Spirit? Don’t really know. John 3:8
says concerning the new birth, that the Spirit comes on people like the wind
blowing. You don’t know when it’s coming
or where it’s going next. At some point
in my life the Lord gave me a new heart and spirit. I recognized it later on…acknowledged it. Just like a natural birth...babies don’t know
who their parents are right when they are born.
Sometime later though, maybe 6 months, maybe 12…a child can begin to
recognize who their parent is…but they were the child of their parents long
before they recognized it.
I felt the burden begin to be
lifted, I was on to something here. I
could not deny these few scriptures I had found, although I relentlessly tried
to prove them wrong. I had to come to
the conclusion that the people that loved the gospel, Jesus, his commandments
and teachings and had faith, did so because they had something inside them that
not everyone had. It was the Spirit of
God. Galatian 5:22 told me what type of
things the Spirit of God produces. I
read about love, joy, peace, and faith just to name a few. There was my evidence. If I had faith, it was because the Spirit of
God was dwelling in me. I thought back
to what my friend asked me that day, about where my faith came from. Faith is produced by the Spirit, just like an
apple is produced by an apple tree. If
you see the apple, it evidence that the tree that it’s hanging on is an apple
tree. Likewise, if you see the fruit of
the Spirit mentioned in Gal. 5:22, it is evidence that the Spirit is dwelling
in that person. I had been told so many
times that if I had faith the Lord would give me his Spirit, but here I read
that faith can only be produced if you have the Spirit. So if I have faith, wouldn’t I already have
the Spirit? Doesn’t all mankind have the
ability to exercise faith, thus showing that all men must have the Spirit to
some degree? Paul states in 2
Thessalonian’s 3:2 that ‘all men have not faith’. I believe God put his Spirit in me, because without
that Spirit to produce faith, I would have never wanted to believe in a God I
couldn’t see, or lay hold to the hope of Heaven when I had never seen it
either. Now it was making more
sense. When I wake up with a fever and
achy muscles, I go to the doctor and he tells me I have the flu. My decision to go to the doctor didn’t give
me the flu, neither did I get it when the doctor proclaimed that is what I
had. I had the flu first, then the
symptoms came and the doctor could recognize them and help me deal with it. We are infected with a virus first…we feel
the effects of it second. That’s what I
had been missing. I had the causes and
the effects of the new birth backwards! I
believe, repent, and confess him because I AM born again…not in order to be
born again.
The quickening power of the Spirit
is not limited to my abilities, resources, and willingness. He puts his Spirit in whom he desires when he
desires. My role is to just recognize those
that bear the fruit of the Spirit and help them understand why they feel what
they were feeling. I thought about those
people that I have seen go down the aisle believing they were going to get
their sins forgiven. I realized they
were showing the symptoms of the Spirit of God dwelling in them long before
they came down the aisle. Maybe it was
years before when they started to feel sorrow over their sins and realize their
need for a savior. Maybe it was a week
before, or while they were sitting in the pew that morning. Nonetheless, the Spirit had already given
them spiritual life. Spiritual eyes and
ears to rejoice in the gospel. A
spiritual heart that wanted to seek, understand, and know God. They were no longer unable to embrace
spiritual things as those in Psalms 14 are.
They were different. The voice of
the Son of God had commanded them to come forth into a spiritual life. They just needed to be told what had happened
to them. Why they feel the way they
do. Why the gospel stirs their
Spirit. It’s because they are one of His
and have been made alive in Christ!
I understood. God did not look down on a sea of people
jumping up and down begging him to forgive them, but only taking this one…and
leaving that one. He was not a cruel God
that turned his back on a repentant, sorrowful sinner. He looked down and saw total rejection. A mass of people that were God hating with no
desire to bow a knee to anybody but themselves.
And in his mercy he chose a people out of that wicked group and made
them his sons and daughters. A people
out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation. He sent his Son to pay for their sins. And because they are his family, at some
point in their life he puts his Spirit in them, making them a new
creature. A creature that now can have
faith, and spiritual love and peace. A
creature that no longer sees the gospel as a foolish thing, but a powerful
testimony to the mercy they were shown.
I thought about my experiences in
the past. I believe from a young age the
Lord mercifully put his Spirit in me.
Others it may be at the end of their life. I thought about all the people that I have met
that truly loved the Lord, but couldn’t articulate why they were saved. I thought about the mentally challenged. I thought about all the times I had laid in
bed wondering if I had really meant that prayer. I thought about Helen Keller, who was deaf,
dumb, and blind. Who when asked about
God, communicated she had always known him, but didn’t know his name. It made sense to me now. God chose a people when they were ungodly and
his enemies. He didn’t chose based on
their good works, because they had no good work. He chose to send his Son to die for their
sins, and chose to send his Spirit into their hearts making them a new
creature. Man’s nature, or lack of
intelligence, or geographic remoteness cannot limit the quickening power of the
Spirit of God. The salvation of man
wasn’t in my hands after all. I do
desire to share the gospel though, but not to try and save the perishing, but
to present the power of God to the saved.
At this point in my life I am more
confident than ever that the things I believe are true. There is not enough time to present all the
scriptures that convince me this is true.
There is hardly a page in the bible that I can’t find proof of the
sovereignty of God in salvation. I see
it very well in my experiences too. I
have exhaustively studied the scriptures that seem to contradict what I
believe. I have yet to find one that
cannot be put in full harmony with it when rightly divided and properly
applied. I no longer have to skip over
or ignore parts of the bible to keep the scriptures from being broken.
Praise God that everyone that has
ever had a desire to be saved, is already saved! Thanks to the sovereign choice of God in
choosing, saving, and regenerating a multitude that no man can number. This belief is often called cruel, even by
some of God’s own people. But I say how
cruel it would have been for God to offer salvation to man, already knowing
that it would be rejected by all. In his
sovereignty and mercy, he chose a people to make his own, and not one will be
left out. Is God unrighteous for not choosing
all? God forbid. For he simply left them in the fallen state
they were already in. They don’t want to
be saved…not even if he offered it to them.
He cannot be charged for putting them in a condemned worthy state. Man deserves hell because of man. God made man holy and upright, it was man
that brought condemnation on himself. Their
condemnation is just and something we all deserve. In his mercy, he chose to redeem some…to
adopt them into his family and give them a seat at the King’s table. The only reason we want to be saved is
because we ARE already.
If anyone reads this and has a true
love for God in their heart, a recognition that they are a sinner that deserves
the judgment of God, a faith to believe in spiritual things they cannot see, a
love for their brethren, a desire to do right, a willingness to confess that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God…these are evidences that you are his and he already
dwells in you. No need to ask him into
your heart, for he is already there. All
glory to God, and none for ourselves.
What do you do? Rejoice in it, acknowledge
it, serve him, and obey him. Trusting
that “we love him because he first loved us”. 1 John 4:19.
I am thankful to have found a body
of believers that embrace this as the truth.
A body that still teach it as Jesus did…as Paul and Peter did. I am glad to be numbered among the Primitive
Thanks so much for posting this. I grew up Primitive Baptist, and I have been a member since I was 12 years old. This will help me to explain what we believe in a simpler way.